With the growing popularity of DX and the GA release of DevOps Center, I’ve seen fewer questions about Change Sets the last couple of years. I expect that organizations that have used change sets successfully for a long time are less motivated to change their processes and those that had issues have had sufficient time to move to the newer options.
What I have seen in the past around legacy processes that work well for small teams is that they are often passed to newer members experientially and at some point someone joins that is not mentored into to how things have been done and struggle on their own. Here are a few tips for those that run into this gap with change sets.
Practice makes it home by dinner time
Even the simplest change can result in big problems if something critical is missed. Always test the change set by pushing from one sandbox to another that has been refreshed since the last production update. If there is a possibility of changes being done directly in production, this means to create or refresh the test target sandbox immediately before the deployment test.
Go small or stay home
Incremental changes are best. I prefer to do a deployment anytime there is a completed task that has tested in development. The push could just be to a fresh sandbox with the final production release being a series of pushes. Another approach is to use dark deployments, pushing out tested work products incrementally even though not all pieces are ready for users. The dark deployments may require some custom metadata types or permissions to keep them from being used before they are ready, something it is really useful for large projects to avoid big-bang pushes.
The incremental pushes to sandboxes should result in a series for change sets. As they progress, dependencies may be discovered and indicate a need to revise the change sets so that dependencies are pushed first. Again, the dark deployments are useful here.
The mighty DX
Among many good reasons for switching to DX, verbose error messages for deployments helps speed up debugging. Using Workbench, it is possible to turn change sets into packages for use in DX, which is handy if you are just starting to migrate to DX. Again, test deployments against fresh sandboxes are critical to avoiding critical situations.
The only constant…
Is change, not change sets. Eventually change sets will probably go away, so if you are reading this post you are either bored and avoiding more productive tasks or you are struggling with a change set today. Now is a good time to start looking into alternatives.

© Scott S. Nelson