This is my blog. There are many like it, but this one is mine…
And that was my sense of humor, which is sometimes odd and sometimes mixed in to my posts about various Information Technology “stuffs” I have worked with and played with since I first sat down at a PC keyboard back when all phones still had cords (except for large bricks with antennas that cost $5 a minute to show off that you were spending $5 a minute). In fact, the first one I owned was a Mac 512, where the keyboard had a cord that looked like a phone cord.
I am a fan of Non-Sequitur (both the abstract noun and the comic strip.) (I am also a fan of puns and parenthetical comments, neither of which I apologize for even though I probably should). The first PC I worked on did not have a mouse and did have a 4 volume manual.
Mission Statement:
Provide people with secure, reliable, useful interactions with information and processes while supporting others to do the same.Delivering useful and usable solutions
This blog has had other names , and used to have other topics (and a different domain name). Some of the posts originally appeared on IDG’s InfoWorld, Devx, (list in reverse-chronological order of publication dates) and Java Boutique (R.I.P.). Originally I had multiple blogs with different (money, humor, tech and fuq [Frequently Unasked Questions]). When I started this blog I archived all of those into a single, free WordPress blog where I still occasionally post something to the humor category if I don’t to be associated with it on social media but still like it.
In the 90’s I was the accidental IT guy at a couple of companies where the main hat I wore was marketing communications (mostly because I learned desktop publishing in the 80’s). I built CRMs at both companies using the pre-loaded software available and I learned web development by using View Source and downloading topics from Usenet then putting them in a database so I could search them because Google didn’t exist yet. People in the business complex I worked in began coming to me for help (the computer services company in the building had to pay rent, so cost more than I did) which led to questions I couldn’t figure out and drove me to join some user groups where I answered more questions than I asked. I started writing a column in the local paper in exchange for free advertising and later found my niche figuring out solutions to business requirements with software.
As the world let out a post-Y2K sigh of relief I went into professional services consulting and have had the opportunity to see dozens of ways to do integration and process automation right…and wrong. I was paid to right many of those wrongs, and help with many more just because I could.
Now, whenever time and awareness coincide, I share the discoveries I make here so that I can save other people the troubles I have had to overcome and remind myself how I did it the first time in case I should run across the same thing again.
Scott S Nelson
PS: After yeas of working for consulting companies, one of my most frequently muttered clichés is “The cobbler’s children go barefoot”. My first version of this blog had a joyfully crafted custom theme. Thanks to spammers and script kiddies having more time to keep up with potential security issues I switched to a provided theme and rely on plugins for just about everything. As a result, you will see occasional UX bugs on the site. They are still a result of laziness, but not the result of bad functional testing.
PPS: As an example of the above, I do own a domain that matches my social accounts ( but Google’s AdSense has become brutal to establish a new domain with and I want to continue earning an average of $10 per year so that I can claim to be a professional blogger)
© Scott S. Nelson