Intro to Bard

My introduction to Bard

Semantic clarification: I’m not introducing you, reader, to Bard. This is my experience of being introduced to Bard.

The answer to my first question, probably way too Turing-ish, shows that Bard is slow on the uptake as to context. I asked “What is the best use of Bard?” and received a description of the Dungeons and Dragons role.

What is the best use of Bard?
What is the best use of Bard?

Points for the honesty of Bard, because this is very different from the description from the email confirming my access, which described Bard as “…your creative and helpful collaborator, here to supercharge your imagination, boost your productivity, and bring your ideas to life.

I was disappointed. The makers of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves should be disappointed it didn’t display an add along with the response (how much you wanna bet the GA version will?). I gave similar feedback to Bard and moved to my next question.

My next question was “Which is better: ChatGPT or Bard?” The response was interesting. It didn’t rise to the bait of “my dog’s better than your dog” (yes, I’m that old) and gave a good answer that you can read for yourself in the screenshot and that I will summarize as ChatGPT will do your homework and Bard will do your Googling for you.

Which is better: ChatGPT or Bard?
Which is better: ChatGPT or Bard?

But how good is Bard at Googling? Having used Google since it’s year of inception, and having struggled for many years with its predecessors, I feel fairly adept at searching on Google. I worded my next query the way I would (will?) write the actual requirement for a project I’m working on: “What is the best ReactJS compatible image viewer with vector markup capability that can be stored in PostgresSQL?

What is the best ReactJS compatible image viewer with vector markup capability that can be stored in PostgresSQL?
What is the best ReactJS compatible image viewer with vector markup capability that can be stored in PostgresSQL?

The response was literal and detailed. It described only one product (“Feeling lucky?” anyone) and gave a detailed reason for the recommendation. I will definitely include the recommendation in my comparisons, and decide whether to ask Bard for other options or go back to my normal way of searching.

If you believe the vlogsphere, the push to get Bard operational and in the hands of Google users is the threat of ChatGPT bringing everyone over to B.I.N.G (Because It’s Not Google). For the practical and technical, I think Bard is an excellent response to that threat.  For the majority of folks, I think Bard is going to have a tough time for having come out of the gate this late.

And then…

After posting the first revision of this article I went back to continue the vector library search. Interestingly, while I can see the questions (aka prompts) that I had asked previously, I cannot access the answers. Glad I took screen shots, because after pasting in the same question I received a different response. This wasn’t too surprising as I have heard ChatGPT users have the same experience. Wanting a quick finish to the task, I then asked for the top 5 options. The first of the 5 was the same as the response in this request, but the suggestion given the first time was not in the top 5. Makes me curious what changed in 45 minutes for the first option that was the best to no longer be in the top 5?

And then #1 was never heard from again
And then #1 was never heard from again
© Scott S. Nelson
Bone-in or Wild Caught Lobster Tails Photo by Michael Judkins:

Work – Life Balance is Rubbish

What we need is work – self balance.
There should be parts of your work that are also parts of yourself (or else you are in the wrong profession).
If work is all of yourself, you aren’t  happy (not applicable to periods of intense flow).
A work-self balance means that enough of your work is about your self that you can experience flow, derive satisfaction, and generate value. To point out the obvious, this also means enough of your self is about your work. The key is finding what enough is for you. To find the key, you must not look for it. They key is to pay attention to your experience while not looking for it.
The balance should be represented as a wave, where balance is found in the median over time, and not the a scale, where the impression is that of opposing forces.
© Scott S. Nelson

Thoughts on not enough time

Who said it best?

“If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?” John Wooden

“There’s never enough time to do it right, but there’s always enough time to do it over.” John W Bergman

“I’m so busy doing what I must do that I don’t have time for what I ought to do…and I never get a chance to do what I want to do!” Every IT Person Ever… originally Robert A. Heinlein, Citizen of the Galaxy

© Scott S. Nelson
Salesforce MVP Class of 2023 Nomination