Hmmm. Bone-in lobster tails!

© Scott S. Nelson
Who said it best?
“If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?” John Wooden
“There’s never enough time to do it right, but there’s always enough time to do it over.” John W Bergman
“I’m so busy doing what I must do that I don’t have time for what I ought to do…and I never get a chance to do what I want to do!” Every IT Person Ever… originally Robert A. Heinlein, Citizen of the Galaxy
In a musing mood this morning, so tldr;
… so I took the 18 seconds to go research and found that all you gotta do is go to the chrome web store and installed it from there. [imagine forehead slap here].
As both a consultant and tech enthusiast, I have multiple profiles that would clash in a single browser. One solution to profile proliferation is using multiple browser, each dedicated the a particular profile (especially useful for profiles based on Microsoft authentication). All of the chrome-based browsers have made this easier as they function generally the same, making it seamless to switch back and forth with the style reminding which context I am in.
A key feature for any browser is tabs, and one behavior I have grown used to is that opening a new tab should switch to that tab immediately. Other than sketchy tracking pages and lazy session tracking I expect the reason for a tab to open is to view the contents. Doubly so when I purposely open to a new tab. To this end, I always install Tabs to the Front. When I started using Edge (v2, once they switched to being chrome-based and worked on the worst of the kinks) the chrome store is where it took you for extensions. At some point, it switched, and removed my extensions. Some I could find in the Edge Add-ons, but many were not there. This became extra annoying to me today when I was setting up a new laptop, so I took the 18 seconds to go research and found that all you gotta do is go to the chrome web store and installed it from there. [imagine forehead slap here].
If you use this, please link to this blog post.
There are many like it, but this one is ours.
Our wiki is our guide. We support our wiki through comments and additions.
Without updates, our wiki will become outdated. Team members will become frustrated when information is missing or no longer correct. Being a good team member includes being a contributor to the wiki.
That cool reference you found that you will always remember? One day, when you need it most, you will forget it.
That awesome solution to a code or design issue that is perfectly clear and understandable now will look like a foreign language in 2 years (months, weeks, sometimes even hours). Add an explanation to the wiki.
When in doubt if something should be added to the wiki, add it. It can always be deleted later.
This is your wiki. Keep it clean but not too lean.
The Architect
(A serious parody of The Rifleman’s Creed )
(“Obligatory WIki Photo” by cogdogblog is marked with CC0 1.0. To view the terms, visit
I freely admit that I often run out of things worth saying. Lately, I have been rooting through my old LinkedIn posts for reusable gold and dug up this gem today (if Google stuck an add right below this, keep scrolling to the LinkedIn post):
To save you scrolling through the glitchy LinkedIn iFrame, it is:
Scrum is dead: Breaking down the new open development method
It is one of those that I posted with no context, which is a habit I think I will break starting today. Anyway, I went to re-read before re-posting, especially given the show-and-awe headline. Well…turns out Scrum really isn’t dead (gasp!). Other than a theme based on a very narrow view of how software is built, the article does have some valid points about good habits in open source.
What hit me was the irony. The conclusion has a link to a GitHub repo that has not been updated in many years. The main link on the page points to a site dedicated to the articles’ key concept. Well, I assume it used to. Currently it goes to one of those cheesy, spammy Buy this domain pages.
I’ve certainly written my own poor predictions over the years. And, come to think of it, my domain changed since then, so any links to those errors publicly posted will have a similar result. And so will the correct ones.
This morning ramble brought to you by PTO and writing before coffee.