Too big to survive: There is no bailout for technical debt

The only difference between technical debt and financial debt is that costs are more often known in advance when taking on financial debt. Both types of debt are a tool when used intelligently with purpose and a plan to manage it and can take a devastating toll when used recklessly or imposed through misdirection or miscommunication.

Acceptable vs unnecessary debt

The original heading here was “Necessary vs unnecessary debt”. On further reflection, though, I realized that the only good reasons for incurring debt are time drive. If time is removed as a factor there is no reasonable need for debt. So then it becomes a question of when time is important enough of a factor to make debt acceptable.  The only context I can think of where time is universally an acceptable driver for debt is in an emergency situation.

Beyond an emergency, the evaluation for whether debt is acceptable because of time becomes a value proposition. In our personal lives, the first car and house is generally considered to be a good reason to accept debt because both have a large enough cost where they are likely to become more expensive over time, making it harder and harder to save for them in a reasonable period of time.

Similarly, building in-house custom applications rather than waiting for a Common Off The Shelf (COTS) solution that will incur technical debt in minimally reviewed code and the inevitable maintenance costs is worth it for functionality that is key to business value. Having worked for software vendors, I can honestly say that it if it isn’t already Generally Available (GA) as at least a patch one then it should still be considered unavailable as a COTS solution.

The other common time driver that should generally not be an acceptable reason to take on debt is impatience. Using a home equity loan to buy the latest television is a poor financial decision and implementing a new solution without a thorough evaluation and proper training is a gamble that will usually result in higher maintenance cost or a potential system failure.

The old adage “patience is a virtue” is not only true, it is a vast understatement of the value of patience.

Stop debt before it happens

The reason technical debt is becoming an increasing concern at many companies is because it tends to grow exponentially, just like financial debt. And for the same reasons. Of the three drivers for debt mentioned previously (emergency, long-term value, short-viewed impatience), the most frequent cause is the least necessary. Impatience. Problems arising from bad habits will grow until the habit has been replaced by actions that have a more positive effect.

Without getting too psychological here, impatience is a result of either wanting very much to move towards a reward or away from loss. For some odd reason, the drive forward doesn’t seem to repeat in the same context nearly as much as the drive to move away from. In technology, the drive to move away from is so common that the three key emotions related with impatience driven by escape have an acronym: FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt).  In the case of IT decisions all three are essentially redundant, or at least a sequence. Fear driven by uncertainty and/or doubt. When the decision is around taking on technical debt, the fear is that business owners or customers will be upset if the feature is delayed or reduced and the uncertainty and doubt are the result of either not asking these stakeholders or asking only half the question.

Asking a stakeholder “Is it a problem if feature X is not in the release?” will frequently have a different answer than “Would you prefer we include feature X in a later release or risk certain delays to all future feature releases by pushing it before we have time to include it in a maintainable manner”? My experience is that most of the time neither question is asked and it is just assumed the world will end if users don’t have access right now to a new option that only 3% will ever use. It is also my experience that when the tradeoff of reliability and stability versus immediacy is explained to stakeholders they usually opt for the delay. I know many people believe that businesses have lost sight of long term implications and I believe that in many cases it not because they are deliberately ignoring them but because the people that should tell them when and why to be cautious are afraid of saying anything that will be considered “negative”.

To summarize, the best way to reduce the accumulation of technical debt is to have open, honest communication with stake holders about when decisions involve technical debt, the consequences of that debt, and the options for avoiding taking on the debt. Then, if the decision is to still choose the right now over the right way, immediately request buy-in for a plan, timeline and budget to reduce the technical debt. Again, my experience is that when the business is presented with a request to ensure functional reliability they frequently say yes.

Getting out of unavoidable or accepted debt

Taking on some technical debt is inevitable. This is why the modifiers usually, most often, and frequently were used in the previous section rather than more-comforting-yet-inaccurate always, definitely, and every time. Even in a theoretically perfect process where business always opts for debt-free choices and emergencies never happen, there are still going to be debt-inducing choices made either from lack of information or usage of imperfect vendor releases.

In the case where the debt is incurred unknowingly, once it is discovered be sure to document it, communicate and plan for its correction. The difference with cases where the debt is taken on knowingly because it is unavoidable without a much larger cost in vendor change, monitor the item with every project and when there is a reasonable option to correct it, do it. I once had to build something that was a bit kludgey because the vendor application clearly missed an implication of how a particular feature was implemented. We created a defect in the defect tracker which was reviewed in every release. 18 months later, the vendor found the error, corrected it and we replaced the work-around with the better approach in the next release. For major enterprises it is a good idea to raise a support case with the vendor when such things are identified, which I did not do at the time because the company I was managing this application for was too small to get vendor attention and the feature was not in broad use.

Originally published at InfoWorld.

© Scott S. Nelson

Why you need to change your monolithic architecture

In a perfect world the contents of this section belong at the end of the article, as part of a conclusion. But a key theme to this article is that there is a lot of unintentional imperfection in the world and one of those imperfections is a tendency for some to draw conclusions early, so I will start with the end and see if we can meet in the middle.

There will be people that strongly disagree with this article. There will be others that share the sense of epiphany I experienced formulating the outline, and probably more than a few who will have come to the same conclusion before this article was written.

For everyone else, I ask that you look at your own enterprise and decide for yourself if the architectural decisions that drive your IT solution are based on corporate culture more than the best way of providing business value.

The most commonly stated reasons to migrate

Skim the thousands of recent articles and community postings about enterprises adopting a new architecture or process (Microservices and DevOps are the buzzwords at the time of this writing, and I expect those will change several times before this article is no longer relevant) and the driver behind the move will generally translate with ease to one of the following:

  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Higher reliability
  • Faster time to market
  • Better support of business needs (arguably redundant to the first three items)

All of those are excellent reasons to change how things are done.  Moving from the current way of doing things to the new way of doing things will definitely yield those benefits in many (though assuredly not all) enterprises. I’ve been in this industry for over 25 years and here are some of the shifts that I have seen made for the exact same reasons:

  • Single tier to two tier architecture
  • Two tier to n-tier architecture
  • Fat client to thin client
  • Single server to redundant services
  • Redundant services to remote procedure calls (RPC)
  • RPC to Web Services
  • Thin client to app

Yes, Virginia, there are exceptions to every rule and observation

Every one of the above-mentioned shifts resulted in some level of success. And, except for the last (which I include because irony fascinates me) reflects a cultural shift towards distribution of overall responsibility, isolation of specific responsibility and increased specialization. I can already hear the exclamations of “There is an increase in demand for full-stack developers, which refutes this observation”.  I agree that more companies are looking for and hiring full-stack developers.  I have observed, with some delightful exceptions, that once the person is hired they are pushed in to some type of specialization within a couple of years (often less).

The most frequent real reasons a change is needed

There was a behavioral study done almost 100 years ago that resulted in an a concept known as The Hawthorne Effect where changes in worker conditions resulted in increased productivity resulting from the expectation of improvement rather than the change itself (my spin on the conclusions, many of which are still being debated).  When an enterprise architecture or IT process is changed, the result is similar.

There are many common examples of why a change is needed to achieve improvements, regardless of what that change is. Here are some that I have seen from working with dozens of different enterprises in several different industries.

The person that wrote that doesn’t work here anymore

My first few IT-related roles were as an FTE and a consultant for companies that were small enough where I was the sole IT resource involved. While I’m proud of the fact that some of my earliest applications are still in use over two decades later, it has dawned on me while writing this article that it may be simply because I had not learned to properly document applications back then and no one has been able to make any changes for fear of putting the company out of business.

I learned about the value of good documentation when I did my first project for a large multi-national manufacturing company, still as an independent consultant. I knew that I would be leaving these folks on their own with the application once my part was done and that people who would be hired after the project was complete would inherit the code and functionality without the benefit of any knowledge transfer meetings. At that time, I was not very unique in providing this service as part of my work. What I have learned since is that, like myself when I first started, many full-time employees either see no need to document their work or know how to.

In later years, many consultants either reduced or completely stopped providing documentation as a way to ensure more work or (to be fair) decrease costs in an increasingly competitive market.

The string that broke the camel’s back up

Even when best practices are followed in regards to simplicity and reuse for the first release of an application, by the Nth release/enhancement/bug fix the application can reach a state where attempts at any but the most minor modifications result in something else breaking. Did the team’s skill atrophy or is this a result of a less-capable team owning maintenance? No.

Fragility creeps into solutions over time because technical debt piles up. If “technical debt” is a new term for you, I strongly suggest reading up a bit on it. In short, like credit card debt, if it isn’t dealt with early and often it will increase until more effort is allocated to dealing with the problems then solutions that caused them.

A culture where identifying, documenting and correcting potential issues and enhancements identified throughout the lifecycle of projects will extend the longevity of an application’s value and reduce IT costs minimizing the frequency of technology refreshes driven by failing systems rather than adding business value.

String theory is an anti-pattern

Another heading could be “Spaghetti and hairballs”.  This driver to move is similar to the previously described scenario except it occurs at a lower level. The architecture may still resemble something that is comprehensible and even sensible, but some of the implementation code and configuration has become unmaintainable. Frequent causes of unmaintainable code are:

  • Changes in personnel with little, poor, or no documentation to reference upon inheritance.
  • Changes in personnel with plenty of documentation and no time allotted in the “project plan” to review it before diving in to the next set of “enhancements”.
  • No change in personnel and no time allotted for code reviews.
  • No change in personnel and no time allotted to address technical debt.

The common theme here is that haste makes waste. The irony is that the haste is always driven by a desire to reduce waste (or perceived waste in the form of costs associated with the activity that would have actually prevented the waste).

Growing Pains

Earlier I mentioned some of the transitions that I have experienced first-hand.  Here is the list again for context:

  • Single tier to two tier architecture
  • Two tier to n-tier architecture
  • Fat client to thin client
  • Single server to redundant services
  • Redundant services to remote procedure calls (RPC)
  • RPC to Web Services
  • Thin client to app

A side-effect of each of these is that they tended to increase the number of teams necessary to build and maintain solutions. By itself, the sharing of responsibility is a good thing. Efficiencies can be realized by having teams focused on specific areas as long as both technical and human interfaces are aligned to support the same goals. Unfortunately, cultures of competition and departmental isolation can also result from the same growth, resulting in a focus to improve efficiency at the expense of the original goal.

Your true story here

I would be flabbergasted if I have exhausted the causes here and would really enjoy it if you were to add your own experiences in the comments section for inclusion in future revisions of this article.

How to delay the changes until they are needed

The phrase “Wherever you go, there you are” applies just as aptly to migrating from one IT solution set to another as it does to trying to leave your troubles behind by relocating. If all of the bad patterns come along for the ride, the new will surely resemble what was just left behind sooner or later.

To be both fair and clear, most (if not all) of the common issues enterprises face today that drive them to move to a new platform to resolve their issues did not crop up because someone deliberately sabotaged the processes…they came about because the intention behind a move in the right direction at some point was forgotten and only the motion was left.

Documentation started falling by the wayside driven by two trends. The first was more intuitive user interfaces that required minimal or no documentation. This was a great idea with the best of intentions. However, some of the results of this trend are not so great, usually with the end users being the ones to suffer. There were many open source projects that ditched documentation by initially simplifying the interfaces. As the projects became popular, books, paid consulting and blogs with advertised were much more lucrative than documenting the more complex version. Since people were used to the software not having documentation (because it originally didn’t need it), this became acceptable.

Within the enterprise, the adoption of Agile practices and the philosophy of documentation being no more than necessary eventually evolved into little or no documentation both because the skills to properly document became atrophied and budget-pressured management convinced themselves it was no longer needed. While I am probably the most vocal about documentation problems resulting from fractionally resembling Agile (frAgile for short), there have been many long-standing Agile proponents who have recently been calling BS on how enterprises have claimed to adopt Agile and are actually destroying it by calling what they are doing Agile (or Extreme Programming or Scrum, etc.). Two example posts are The Failure of Agile and Dark Scrum.

Ideally, make it part of your project process to capture opportunities for improvement and document any technical debt knowingly incurred. Additionally, make it part of your SDLC to review the backlog of technical debt and technical enhancement recommendations at the start of project planning and make it mandatory to budget it reducing some level or debt and/or including some improvement.

Alternatively, what I have done for most of my consulting career is to keep a running catalog of such items throughout the project. Towards the end I will assemble my notes into a single document (occasionally happily checking off items that were addressed before project completion) as a handoff to management at the completion of each project.  Later, I would re-circulate the document prior to any follow-on projects.

I’m optimistic enough to expect that there will eventually come a time when this article is no longer relevant, and cynical enough to doubt that it will happen in my lifetime. The way I cope with this is to do things as best I can with the resources I can muster and continue to write articles like this to remind people that technology was supposed to make things simpler and easier so that we could spend time focusing on more interesting problems. Please share your coping mechanisms in the comments section.

Originally published at InfoWorld.

© Scott S. Nelson
Piggy bank with a life preserver

5 Approaches to lower enterprise technology costs

At the same time that everyone is talking about digital transformations there is demand from the boardroom to lower spending on technology. On the surface, these two goals appear to be mutually exclusive. How can innovation and transformation be carried out with a reduced budget? Here are some approaches that can help resolve the paradox.

Create a contract between business and IT

Everyone agrees that IT and Business must work together to improve operational efficiency and profitability. If you only read business-focused or technology-focused publications, you probably thing everyone is doing this and wonder what is wrong in your organization where you are not seeing the benefits of such cooperation. One reason for this perceptual disconnect is that in many organizations only one side of the equation considers they are working together. In actuality, that side is dictating capabilities to the other side and calling it cooperation. If there are frequent conversations in the enterprise about the same issues occurring over and over again, this is a good sign the cooperation is one-sided.

A contract spells out the responsibilities of both parties and details the necessary interactions that must occur to ensure those responsibilities can be met and the corrective measure to take when they are not. The contract between IT and Business will be unique in every organization with some common items included such as:

  1. Both parties must be present when goals are finalized and that all goals have a clear definition of achievement.
  2. The path to goals are steps, not leaps, and a cadence of interaction for the purpose of reviewing progress and refining expectations and understandings must be set before pursuit of the goal begins.

Double the project budgets

Sure, this is about cost-cutting, so how could doubling project budgets help that? Because two of the most common technology costs are the increase in spending as the project nears the scheduled completion date and the resources necessary to maintain an under-funded development effort in production. By doubling the budget up front inefficient uses of funding will be reduced or eliminated. Providing bonuses for coming in under budget coupled with adequate funding up front will both motivate and enable IT teams to reduce costs.

Leverage professional consulting services

Companies that reduce their consulting costs rarely see a corresponding reduction in overall IT spending. Yes, consultants cost more per hour. This is because they absorb the expenses of recruiting, training and managing highly-skilled specialists. This is not to disparage the recruiting, training and management capabilities within an organization. It is about the focus of those efforts. Within an enterprise, the highly-skilled are need for operations and tactical projects. If they are focused on strategic projects they will either not be able to properly perform maintenance or they will be rushed in their development efforts. Similarly, contracting individual resources to fill in the gaps on either side is a risk because the individual contractors are not used to working together as a team and are motivated to focus only on the short-term. The highest cost for consulting services is acquiring new business, which is a driver for the consultants to provide long-term value. Also, consulting companies have teams that deal with the new and strategic all the time and bring experience acquired from multiple enterprises.

The key to benefiting from consulting is to determine what your needs are up front and ask for references that can vouch for those capabilities. When considering your needs, do think about the ability to work across business and IT as well as skill and willingness to train your personnel in post-implementation maintenance. You should also understand that hiring a consultant is not like hiring a contractor. Where sourcing a contractor, seek out one with specific experience in your exact planned solution, consultants are experienced in dealing with early adoption and rapidly absorbing new technologies. The key thing your consulting partner needs to be experienced in is multiple solutions with similar technologies and challenges.

Promote from within

Another common theme in IT is the high cost of recruiting and dearth of qualified candidates. If (as an example) it costs $40,000 to recruit and train a new architect and the position turns over on average every three years, a $10,000 raise or bonus every year will still cost less and the architect will become increasingly more efficient within the organization as they have a deeper understanding of how things work.

Iterative road maps

The lure of going all in on new technologies, architectures and services is the same as that of playing the lottery or betting on a slot machine: the media and advertiser only show you pictures of the winners. Granted, the odds of succeeding within an enterprise though innovation are better than most gambles, but enterprise technology should be managed more like an investment portfolio than a gambling budget. Compare opportunities by their potential return. Balance your investments between levels of risk. Build on success and knowledge. In IT, this equates to doing a cost-benefit analysis on IT projects then staring with a proof-of-concept or pilot program and then only change existing assets when it is profitable or practical to do so.

Originally published at InfoWorld

© Scott S. Nelson

How Salesforce Supports Citizen Development

Citizen development is really a responsible response to the dilemmas created by Shadow IT. Now that technology is available to those with minimal technical knowledge business users will implement solutions without the help of the IT department. The best thing IT can do about this is mentor the business users in ways that will support what business is going to do anyway in a way that will not lead to enterprise-level headaches. Salesforce is at the forefront in helping business and IT with this new paradigm.

The number of times I revised the title of this post is a sign of the times in technology. Those not steeped in the gray arts of technology may think that since computers process 1’s and 0’s that going from thought waves to software is a linear and clearly defined path. The more the technology evolves the less true that is. I started with the title of “How Salesforce Enables Citizen Development”, but a key premise of this post is that it is not a check box in the system administrator’s console, which the term “enables” insinuates. “Citizen Development with Salesforce” was considered and rejected because it has a tone that suggests that there is no longer a need for highly trained Salesforce administrators, architects and developers. Not only do I disagree with that premise, I more emphatically caution against the invalid assumption that such a void would result in cost savings. These nuances of title may seem like a lot of over-thinking except that as both a writer and reader I am all-too-aware of the tendency to base a fully formed opinion on the title alone.

I was recently asked to sum up the benefits of citizen development and came up with the following:

  • User-owned Solutions
  • Reduced IT Bottlenecks
  • Streamlined Process
  • Lower Costs to Deliver

Salesforce supports citizen development by providing a platform with capabilities that can be accessed and utilized with a minimum of training and experience. The unbridled optimist will look at the preceding sentence and imagine a world where every business user can build applications that are easy to use and will contribute to productivity at a lower cost.

Citizen Development Bumper Sticker Policies
Citizen Development Bumper Sticker Policies

The realist would (and should) take umbrage with the word “every”. Putting aside the variance in individual capabilities, there are other key factors that make “every business user” a dangerous assumption. Two key factors are time and inclination. It takes both to perform any one of the following critical tasks for a successful application:  Determine the full range of business requirements an application should address; analyze the variety of technical solutions and appropriately select the best fit for the requirements;  review the existing functionality within the organization for potential reuse and impact; train and support other users in the resulting application; and maintain proper data governance to ensure both adequate security and cost controls.

So, perhaps a better statement of how Salesforce supports citizen development would be “Salesforce provides the tools for an enterprise to enable business users to build applications with little or no IT support when proper governance processes are established and followed”. This phrase doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker as easily as “Clicks not code”. Perhaps “IT doesn’t go away. IT gets out of the way” almost fits, though.

The “lower cost to deliver” benefit is based on the streamlined process of citizen development, i.e., no need for business to create a full specification to hand off to IT for implementation since business will own the development. In an enterprise where the IT team is continuously backed up, this will lead to faster time to delivery as well. In cases where the scenario is simple or common enough to be configured in a generic manner, a great deal of time can be saved. However, this should not be confused with the false assumption that configuration over coding is inherently faster. Sometimes it is and sometimes it is not. Declarative programming must be provided in a way that is maintainable by the vendor and generic for the customer. For a skilled developer, custom development can be completed in far less time than it takes to configure a collection of generic options to something as simple as loop through a specific set of data looking for a specific output.

If it sounds like citizen development is a bad idea that is neither the case nor the intention. Application development is like raising a child… it takes a village with each member contributing their specialty at the best time and in the appropriate context. A governance group to provide guidelines, consider exceptions and enforce adherence; Architecture and security specialists to determine the best way to ensure compliance; Developers to provide reusable components when they are not readily available from the App Exchange; Trained Salesforce system administrators to enable appropriate permissions, configure necessary integrations, and manage production deployments.

In short, all of the roles that an organization following best practices for platform use will have in place anyway. On the one hand, supporting citizen development adds some additional tasks to those who support the platform. On the other hand, properly supported citizen development frees up platform support personnel to better focus on the tasks that most need their skills while improving relations between business and IT by enabling business to more self-supporting.

Originally published at InfoWorld

© Scott S. Nelson

Revisiting the Question of Build versus Buy for Web Portal Solutions

The general wisdom stated in the architectural principles of many an enterprise is “Buy before build”.  This often makes sense since the cost of a COTS license will be lower than the labor expense required to develop the same functionality in-house. There is also the peace of mind that a reputable vendor will own the maintenance of the system core.

Portals may be challenging this general wisdom.

View from the Outside

Putting aside the myriad of capabilities packaged into the common portal product (though we will come back to them later), the essence of a portal when the business looks at the bottom-line is the presentation layer of a web site. The technologies used in the presentation layer of web applications has been evolving the past several years at pace that is much faster than the average portal product release cycle. When the new versions are released, there is often signification re-work that must be done to upgrade or migrate. Because product vendors need to provide solid, dependable software, some of the included technology may already be out of date by the time it is placed in production.

To be clear, this is not to disparage portal product vendors. Anyone that has ever maintained a portal application much prefers having a thoroughly tested platform backed by 24/7 support when something goes wrong. There are trade-offs required to enjoy those benefits, though.

If being able to quickly put new UI approaches and technologies into production is a key business value in your enterprise, you will need to build rather than buy at least part of your portal platform.

Under the Hood

To compare the value of build vs buy vs customize it is useful to consider what buying gets you. What you get for your license dollar will vary greatly from vendor to vendor and even within a single vendor if they offer many options. To keep this from becoming book-length, let’s stick to the most common features available for the most common purposes and apply your own due-diligence to modify this list when examining your own platform selection.

Because terminology can vary greatly from one product to another, we will define these key, common features for the purpose of comparison.



Authentication Verify identity of the user
Authorization What the user is allowed to see or do
Personalization Behavior based on information about the user
Context-Based Navigation Site navigation driven by Authentication, Authorization and Personalization
Page Composition The arrangement of components on a page, sometimes influenced by Authentication, Authorization and Personalization
Content Integration Inclusion of managed content, sometimes influenced by Authentication, Authorization and Personalization
Release Promotion Moving features and functions from Development to Staging to Production

Working with the assumption that these are out of the box features, our comparison needs to consider if we need the feature and what it takes to create it ourselves.


Every application server has some form of authentication mechanism, and all of the better application frameworks leverage the underlying server standards. While not the least important feature, it is the simplest to implement without a framework. In some cases, it is actually easier to do so.


If you are authenticating against and LDAP, most application servers will have easy to use hooks into roles. Popular J2EE application servers have authorization APIs that are standards-based. Initially this may be a little more effort than Authorization, but if you document your approach and publish it internally where it is easily accessed, this should not be a major hurdle.


Many development teams struggle with personalization even with a COTS framework where it is a prominent feature. In some cases where business requirements, developer training, product APIs and enterprise data architecture are misaligned, a custom approach may actually be easier. On the opposite end of the spectrum, when all of those factors are in alignment a vendor-provided solution is a major time saver.

Context-Based Navigation

This is often the most appreciated feature of a portal product. While at the UI layer the result is “show or not”, portal frameworks in concert with IDE and/or administration UI provide a rich set of features for coming to that simple Boolean result. Then again, products need to support a very broad set of circumstances in order to satisfy the most customers. You only need to implement those features that are part of your business requirements. In some cases, that will be a very simple implementation. In others you will learn why portal products are so popular. The key is to get very clear on your requirements and then design your solution to be flexible and maintainable.

Page Composition

This is a feature that all portals provide and would be very difficult to build from scratch with the same feature sets that vendor provide. However, very few organizations use all of those features. The complexity is around satisfying the requirements of all companies rather than just yours. If there is no need for runtime updates to page configurations there is no need for this feature. If the feature need is there, tightly managing the requirements and having technical and business stake holders working closely to review cost versus value will allow you to determine what is the best approach for your implementation.

Content Integration

Content management and portals have had a strange relationship dating back before there were any common standards for either. Some portals have content management features built in and some content management systems provide portal application features. Some have standards-based integration points and others simply recommend processes that allow the content to be re-used.

Release Promotion

What sets each vendor apart is how they implement the features. Each product has its own way of maintaining configuration and this results in either a specific tool or process to move that configuration from development to staging and production (plus any interim steps your enterprise happens to use). For solutions built in-house, you will need to define these processes or create these tools to provide the minimal disruption to services while making updates. If a vendor-provided product is sufficiently customized, an enterprise-specific approach may be needed, anyway.


So we see that we can create all of the functionality a portal provides without a portal product. The purpose of a framework is to provide commonly desirable features that are already built and integrated with each other, which is a key value portal products provide.

If all you need are these features, then standard wisdom of buy before build holds true. It still holds true if you can customize a standard offering in a way that is maintainable for you and supported by the vendor.

However, if you want something that is difficult to customize within a vendor-based solution or cannot be supported by the vendor (support-pricing is based on the product working as designed), then you need to weigh the value of that something[1] against building and maintaining it yourself. You may find that cost of ownership for the latest trend does not have an ROI to support following it and still go the out-of-the-box route.

Or you may go your own way and be the subject of the next web site trend-setter spotlight report.

[1] Here we are thinking about modern UI features, but the analysis holds true for anything you need that is of sufficient value

© Scott S. Nelson