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Realizing Agile’s Efficiency

(Feature image by Freepik)
TL;DR: Fostering a culture of trust that leads to calm collaboration up front will yield the benefits that Agile principles promise.
Preface: While agile is in the title of this post, no claim is made that the post is about how to do agile or how SAFe is or is not agile. It is about how the Manifesto for Agile Software Development is self-clarifying in that it concludes with “while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.” (italics mine), and how the value of the items on either side should be measured by their effectiveness in a given organization and the organizations influence on the “self-organizing teams” referenced in the Principles behind the Agile Manifesto. That said…
The value of architecture, documentation, and design reviews in SAFe was illustrated in a scenario that played out over several weeks.
The situation started with the discovery that a particular value coming from SAP had two sources. Well, not a particular value from the perspective of the source. The value had the same name, was constrained to the same list of options, but could and did have different values depending on the source, both of which were related to the same physical asset. For numerous reasons not uncommon to SAP implementations that have evolved for over a decade, it was much more prudent to fetch these values from SAP in batches and store them locally.
The issue of the incorrect source was identified by someone outside the development team when it was found to be commonly missing from the source selected for work prioritization. For various reasons that will be common across a variety of applications that support human workflow, this was considered something that needed to be addressed urgently.
The developer who had implemented the fetch to the correct source was tapped to come up with a solution. Now, one thing about this particular application is that it was a rewrite of a previous version where the value of “Working software over comprehensive documentation” was adhered to without considering the contextual reality that the team developing release one would neither be the team working on the inevitable enhancements nor ever meet that team. The re-write came about when the system was on its third generation of developers and every enhancement was slowed because there was no way to regression test all of the undocumented parts. Unsurprisingly, the organizational context that resulted in the first version missing documentation also resulted in some tables schemas being copied wholesale from the original application and not reviewed because requirements were late, resources were late, and the timeline was unchanged. So, with no understanding of why not to, the developer provided a temporary solution of copying the data from one table to the other because it had only been communicated that the data from one source was the correct data for the prioritization filter. Users were able to get their correctly prioritized assignments and  the long-term fix went to the backlog.
As luck and timing would have it, when the design phase of the long term fix was picked up by the architect, the developer was on vacation. Further, while this particular developer had often made time to document his designs, the particular service the long-term fix depended on was one of the few that were not documented. Still further, it had been re-design as another service had been discovered to obtain the same data more reliably. But all of the data currently loaded was from the previous version, so even the attempt of reverse engineering the service to get sample data for evaluation was not possible. These kinds of issues can lead to frustration, which in turn dampens creative thinking, which is to say that had the architect looked at the data instead of following the assumption from the story that the data wasn’t yet readily available, he would have discovered that it was already present.
Eventually the source of the correct value was identified and a design created that would favor the correct value over the incorrect value but use the incorrect value if the correct one was not available to allow for the assignments to continue because sometimes the two actual values were the same (which is inspiration about a future post discussing the value of MDM). The design also included updating to the correct value if it became available after the initial values were set. The architect, being thorough, noted in the design a concern about what should be done when the correct value came into the system after the record that was prioritized based on that value has been assigned and processed by a user. After much back and forth, it was finally communicated that while the data was retrieved from the same system and labeled with the same name, the two values were not different because one was incorrect but because they were in fact to separate values meant for two different viewpoints. Which means that the design of attempting to choose and store a single correct value in both tables was invalid and that the records altered for the work-around were now (potentially) invalid. This made the correct solution a (relatively) simple change to the sorting query.
With the full 20/20 vision of hindsight, it is now clear that if the team did not feel that ever issue needed to be treated as an emergency and all of the product, design, and development stakeholders had discussed the issue prior to taking action, about 80 hours of work would have been reduced to 4 hours. Yes, there were other factors that impacted the need of 80 hours to deal with what is a fairly minor flaw, but those factors would not have come in to play had the questions been asked up front and clarity reached through collaboration.
© Scott S. Nelson

The Real Problem with Hybrid Agile

Featured image by Gratisography:

Before SAFe®, most organizations would do “our brand of agile”. IMO, SAFe® takes the most common elements of a plethora of hybrid agile approaches and codifies them in to a “standard” (imagine air quotes). My comments today are not about SAFe® but hybrid agile in general.

The common denominator I see across hybrid agile approaches is that they include the notion of some specific deliverables by a specific date. For the agile purist this isn’t agile because that notion is very not agile. Hats off to the purists that get to work that way, and they have already stopped reading by now unless they share the same mental state of people that slow down to look at a bad accident on the freeway (which I feel is not agile, but I’m no purist, so I couldn’t say for sure).

So, having target dates for a collection of stories isn’t entirely a bad thing, in that there are many organizations that have a legal obligation to appear as if they can reliably predict the future. These target days are where the problems start. And I will admin here that the title of this post is a lie, it is multiple problems, but I wanted to rope in those who really think that there is one thing wrong because I think they may get the most out of this particular rant.

So, first problem (position being arbitrary, I don’t have any stats about which problem occurs most) is that if the target is missed then there will be some people that point at the agile side of the hybrid approach as the blame. It could be, but it is much more likely that it is the behaviors that result for hybrid approaches, such as skipping documentation entirely, which results in longer ramp up time and lack of the DRY design pattern, because if you don’t know what’s been done how would you know if you were doing it again?

The next problem (purposely avoiding making it the  second problem to avoid people thinking this is a non-arbitrary sequence…beyond a order that helps to communicate the concepts) is that when the targets are missed the people that are supposed to know what the future looks like look bad, so they get mad at the people who are trying to hit the target. Most people feel bad when people are mad at them (except people with either experience in such things, certain psychological disorders, or a hybrid of the two).  No one likes to feel bad (except people with different psychological disorders) so they try to figure out how to prevent that in the future.  And we have tons of action-comedies to suggest a way to do this: Lower your expectations…lower…lower…that’s it. So people stop missing their targets and Wall Street analysts think the bosses of these people are great prognosticators where what they have actually done is taught their teams to be great procrastinators.

And the last problem I will point at before running for my life from hip hybrid folks who will want blood and purists that stuck around and are still looking for blood is that the people who try to make it happen still miss the mark because they focus on the wrong targets. The long-term goals have this nice, big, shiny definition,  where agile aims to complete one small, solid solution. The magic comes from being able to look at the big shiny and build a small solid that is good-enough-for-now, and still in the direction of the big shiny. One definition of magic is “some can and some don’t know how”, and in the case of this balancing different paths to perfection, some will focus everything on the small solid piece and forget to thing about whether it will fit into the big shiny vision. Or, they will be so enamored with the big shiny vision that everything they do in the span of a sprint is inadequate for the pieces that are solid, making the next sprint slower because they are still waiting on that piece that would let them move faster. Of course, magic is hard, and expecting everyone to produce it is destined for disappointment, which is why the teams that just lower their expectations are more “successful” (Dr Evil-level air quotes there).

So, at the end of the day, or at least the end of this post, the perception of success is easiest to meet if you succeed at level far below your potential. You can stress out everyone and sometimes hit the target. Or you can start forgiving your teams for their imperfections, cheer them for their successes, and teach them to learn from each other to be more successful every quarter. The problem with that last is that I will have to write another post to find more problems with hybrid until they are all resolved.

© Scott S. Nelson
Path with cloudy destination

You can always get there from here

There are many quotes to the effect that perfection is a path and not a location (my wording in this case).  To me, this is the essence of agile vs waterfall (and, to a degree, SAFe).
Agile trusts that high performing teams, following processes that support continual re-evaluation, will produce higher quality deployable results with the same amount of resources.
All methodologies have processes (or ceremonies). Properly followed, they can all produce good results. Whether one methodology will produce better results than another is fairly moot, because it isn’t the methodology alone that influences the results. It is where the focus of the team is while following the methodology that makes the difference.
A team that is focusing on a date will almost always have to skip some steps to make that date.
A team this focused on the completed product is almost always  going to miss an import use case (very simple products excepted).
A team that is focused on absolute perfection of every task is going to miss business expectations.
A team that is focused on sticking to an iterative process and willing to course-correct their approach to improve the next iteration will always produce better deliverables.
Leadership is less about providing direction and more about communicating where the team should focus to be successful. The goal is to have a shared vision and foster the flow state that will support realizing some version of that vision at regular intervals.
Or, to use another similar quote, “This is the way”.
© Scott S. Nelson

Maximize ROI with MVP

I prefer to write about things that have either not been written about previously or where I think that the value is still being missed. This article is the latter criteria, given that the term Minimum viable product was coined in 2001 (according to Wikipedia). Like many patterns and processes related to technology there is more to the use of MVP than the name implies.

Minimum is for targeted effort

The M in MVP is often misconstrued as the minimum to go to market at the start of the effort though it is more suited to the end of the effort. The definition of minimum should evolve through the life-cycle of design and development.

If you will accept that all functionality is moving something from one point or state to another, then absolute minimum is being able to get from start to finish.  So at the start of an iterative design and development process for a feature or product this should be the first goal and go no further until the results are reviewed by the product owner and/or users. Another way to look at the first value of minimum is sufficient for demonstration and discussion.

Once the absolute minimum has been achieved, then the additional criteria can be added in. The additional criteria are going to be beyond the bare minimum to accomplish the change in value or state, of which there can be many such requirements. These requirements must be prioritized by the key stakeholders and then delivered singly unless (in very rare cases) multiple requirements are inter-dependent. The reason the inter-dependency should be rare is that the requirements should be stand-alone. They may need to be done in a particular order, which should be considered when determining the priority.

In a recent design session where a new feature was required for call center users to follow a script and record responses with the script branching at points based on answers through the process, there were some participants that wanted to start from the assumption that this functionality would be re-used in other processes and start with a generic approach, even though the expectation was that any such reuse would be far in the future. It is important to acknowledge the potential for reuse and avoid approaches that will prevent it or make it overly complicated. That said, it adds nothing to the initial solution to genericize without knowing what the future requirements are. It only adds to the level of effort in producing the first MVP for stakeholder review and getting to the first production-ready MVP. In this case the difference would have been a couple of weeks in a project already behind schedule.

Viable must be based on agreement

I can think of several well-known enterprise-technology products that have a terrible user experience. For me, personally, I feel they miss being optimally viable, though I have to admit they are minimally functionally viable. That said, I’m neither the product owner nor the key stakeholder (let’s admit, that is the person paying for the license and not the actual user) and cannot honestly say whether the standards of viability were met.

The most important part about the previous paragraph is acknowledging that it is not my role to determine viability. I can (and should) provide my input about what I think is important about viability, but the ownership belongs to the product owner and (sometimes, and maybe not as often as it should be) the key stakeholders.

Another area often forgotten about viability is from the other side of the coin. The product must be maintainable. Product owners often insist on functionality that is difficult to maintain. In some cases, this is an acceptable trade-off and in other cases the maintenance cost outweighs the business value and that impacts viability from anyone’s point of view. My experience is that product owners asking for high-maintenance features generally do not know that is what they are asking for, and that often times it is the timeline more than the possible solutions that make it a maintenance issue. Delivering products using an MVP design approach is also about continuous communication between owners, designers and developers. If any one of those roles works without both giving and receiving input, the project is in peril.

Product should be plural

Because minimal is an evolving criteria and viable is the result of consensus, a single outcome, i.e., product that is shippable on the first iteration is extremely rare, with the possible exception where the product is a very simple addition to an existing product.

By willing to iterate and refactor, each version of the minimally viable product will be better until it at least reaches the level of minimum where it can be delivered.

Minimal valid postscript

Does the Minimal viable product approach described here sound like other approaches? Agile come to mind? Most good approaches have similarities. It is exceptional when they do not.

A lot of this depends a bit on “perfect world” scenarios. In the real world, sometimes the work needs to forge ahead with assumptions while waiting for stakeholder review. This is where source control management comes in to play. The important thing to remember is to not become overly-fond of assumptions as they may prove incomplete or invalid after the stakeholder review and input. This could even happen frequently with new teams, but as the product owners and producers continue to work together, the gaps will become fewer and fewer. Again, I caution to avoid complacency as those gaps narrow as they will rarely go away completely. The goal for all is the best functioning product that can be created given the capabilities available, even if that means the occasional solution refactoring.

(Originally published at InfoWorld., and I’m contractually obliged to include that statement even though the link is now dead…gotta love one-sided agreements)

© Scott S. Nelson

Software Project Failure

I’m on a roll with the LinkedIn rants today 🙂

Do software development efforts fail because: 1) the technical staff is not skilled enough for the work, 2) management has unrealistic expectations, 3) lack of reasonable resources to perform the effort. I would be interested to know your thoughts.

Someone once said that failure can only occur when time and resources are limiting factors. In the case of software, all of the above are true, though the most consistent cause I see is that the process of doing the following in order:
1) Set a completion date
2) Define the requirements
3) Design the software
4) Develop the software
5) Change the requirements
6) Wonder what went wrong

Agile is a good step in preventing failure from the above process except that even shops that use Agile often face that the end date is set before work begins and that unrealistic expectations are set at the same time.

Another ongoing issue is that management’s reaction to bad news about meeting functionality or a date is to throw more people on the project and demand more frequent meetings which pull the people most capable of solving the issue away from solving the issue. This trains developers to not communicate issues until the last minute, which accelerates this vicious cycle.

As Dennis Miller used to say “But that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong”

© Scott S. Nelson