Chaos Cats

Failing to plan is still a plan

(Featured image credit: created with Midjourney by Alison Braun)

Some planning tips from a retired page on this blog that are still relevant…

Periodically review tuning and best practice references related to the technologies, tools and products related to the project you are working on to catch potential issues before the occur.

Always include time for making necessary, realistic data available for development. Include approaches for resetting and refreshing data. The time spent up front will be half as much or less than the time spent afterwards creating it as needed.

Plan Your Monitoring Before Go-Live

This concepts sounds obvious and yet it so often does not happen even in mature organizations. Everyone will be much happier spending some time to think about scenarios where things could go wrong and determining thresholds for alerts on any area where a variance can impact functionality or availability.

Ever hear the boiling frog analogy? While the basis is not true, the concept is important, especially with software. Be alert. The world needs more lerts.

© Scott S. Nelson