WebLogic Portal (WLP) Lost Samples in 10.3.2

Ran across a fun new quirk this morning. To make sure that source control has everything necessary for a build I maintain two workspaces and check the build in one after a check in from the other. There were two errors today. One was just weird, which is that the path of WEB-INF/src somehow became required. Annoying, but no big deal to check it in (and probably could have removed it from org.eclipse.wst.common.component and .classpath without causing an issue).

The quirky part was the second error, which was that it was unable to resolve the reference to “wlp-sample-widgets-web-lib” library. I went to the WebLogic shared libraries in preferences, and sure enough it wasn’t there. Long story short, the sample widgets are not configured in a workspace unless it is added to a project in that workspace. The fix was to remove and then add the facet back in and then OEPE installed it into the workspace.

© Scott S. Nelson