WebLogic Server, Apache Commons and You

Oracle released Security Alert CVE-2015-4852 last night, their official security response to a much-publicized vulnerability with certain usage of the Apache Commons library with the major J2EE application servers.

If you have access to the Oracle Support Network, the best reference is https://support.oracle.com/rs?type=doc&id=2076338.1.

For an Apache POV of the situation, I suggest https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/apache_commons_statement_to_widespread.

Infoworld has a calmer dissertation of the issue at http://www.infoworld.com/article/3003197/security/library-misuse-exposes-leading-java-platforms-to-attack.html.

I personally heard about this first from /., where this is an informative thread (with the usual trolling between) at http://developers.slashdot.org/story/15/11/08/0346258/vulnerability-in-java-commons-library-leads-to-hundreds-of-insecure-applications.

© Scott S. Nelson