Ever run across a problem that sounds real familiar, but you don’t remember all the details of the solution? Recently someone was telling me an issue they were having with WSRP where the WSDL when accessed over the HTTPS port still showed the HTTP end point.  That is when I experience De Ja Vue (I’v seen this before).

When using HTTPS with WSRP in WLP you must edit the wsrp-producer-config.xml in the producer application:

<!– This element describes the capabilities of this producer. Set the secure attribute to “true” if you require this producer offer any port over SSL. –>
<registration required=”true” secure=”true“/>
<service-description secure=”true“/>
<!– Set accepts-mime to true to more efficiently process uploaded files when the consumer is a WebLogic Portal. –>
<markup secure=”false” rewrite-urls=”true” transport=”string” accepts-mime=”false”/>
<portlet-management required=”true” secure=”true“/>

The bold is where the default value has been changed to true. My conclusion from this is that with WLP your WSRP portlets are either available over HTTP or HTTPS, but not both. I haven’t tested this theroy, however, as I have not yet worked on a WSRP project that was not over HTTPS.

© Scott S. Nelson