What is Web 2.0?

I saw this question posted on Linked-In today and thought I would blog my input, especially as I have been tied up with some paid work and haven’t been blogging as much lately…

Q: What are the differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?

A: In addition to answers already provided, Web 2.0 is often a battle cry for selling new IT products and services rather than an actual technology. It encompasses AJAX, blogs, wikis, RSS, mash ups, and just about everything else that is currently popular.

What is the same between the web before and Web 2.0 (no one ever referred to Web 1.anything until the Web 2.0 marketing banner was raised) is that these technologies can be a huge benefit when implemented well against a solid design and massive headache if done wrong.

Not all of the technologies are mature yet, which is where the big push to use them can be beneficial. Why? Because as development teams run into the issues and limitations vendors will be pushed to fix them, which will accelerate their maturity.


© Scott S. Nelson

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