© Scott S. Nelson
I received my weekly James Clear newsletter today. I almost filed with all the other newsletters I subscribe to and just never seem to have time to read. But then I remembered that I’m on PTO, and Clear lives up to his name, so I jumped in. Then stopped in my tracks when I got to:
“You have to work hard to discover how to work smart. You won’t know the best solutions until you’ve made nearly all the mistakes.”
My first thought was “Hmm”, followed by “that makes sense”, and then “but what is the point of trying to teach people how to do things?”.
I mentally spun on this for a while. I know that I learn from others (directly or indirectly via person, print, or video) faster if I have had some experience with the topic and struggled with doing or understanding, or at least dissatisfied with the results. I’m also familiar with constructivism and similar concepts where some level familiarity, even if only having heard the term in passing, makes it easier for the mind to grasp and incorporate details when they are presented.
Then I realized that what I struggle with is some of the qualitative terms in the statement, i.e.,
“You have to work hard to discover how to work smart. You won’t know the best solutions until you’ve made nearly all the mistakes.”
Is it impossible to learn how to work smart without having worked hard? If a student, mentee, trainee, etc. trusts the person teaching them and is highly and intrinsically motivated to learn, I think they can do so without the prior high level of effort. That said, I think that the skill of teachers (generically rather than academically, and based on skill of transferring knowledge as well as knowledge of skill) and the motivation of learners have been steadily declining and that this circumstance as an exception has become fairly rare.
As to the second of Mr. Clear’s sentences, I might be putting too fine of a point on my umbrage. I believe that one will appreciate how much better a solution is than alternatives if they have witnessed the outcomes of the others, and that appreciation will increase with experience over mere observation. I do, however, take issue with “nearly all” at several levels. The first is the fuzziness of it. Is it all but 1? Is it 99%? And I really truly believe that some, with that fuzzy level being at least less than half, of the mistakes is more than adequate for some people, especially those that are either impatient (while motivated) or highly self critical (a motivation that tries the patience).
My protests aside, I think James Clear’s statement is accurate often enough to be accepted as a general (if not a hard and fast) rule. I am positive in my belief that his experience with people in this context is much broader than my own.
I do tend to wander in my writing, so let’s wrap up the thought on why people never listen. They do, but the absorption, retention, and results of that listening vary between individuals and over time. Some folks will get it right away because they are motivated and trust the source (and sometimes that motivation is just lack of self trust); some will have to prove it right before they believe it, and then they may experience the source has their own actions (not all, but some); some will filter it through their own thinking until they reach a threshold where they will try anything, even something that is presented as proven already to be effective; and some will just never get it, for a variety of reasons that could be it’s own book, let alone blog post.
No matter the motivation or outcome, if you are trying to share wisdom, be wise enough to know that you may need to both vary and repeat your message to eventually be heard. If you are trying to learn something, you may want to apply what you know earlier and more often so that you are well prepared to know more.
Personally, I never had any problems with the SFDX CLI, which is why I was surprised they were replacing it with the SF CLI. What I now sometimes struggle with is translating all of my cheat sheet references from one to the other, and the sifting through the plethora of search results that still refer to the SFDX way of doing things. OK, I know I can minimize the second part by setting the date range in my Google searches, but when I’m being lazy (or in a hurry, both of which are more common than I prefer) I use Perplexity.ai rather than Google.
Most recently my conversion conundrum cropped up with removing components that I had deployed through the CLI. I found a great SFDX syntax in Perplexity literally one day before it was slated to be retired. Here is the relevant part of the session that got me to the solution:
Question: cli to delete objects from an org
Answer:To delete objects from a Salesforce org using the CLI, you can use the destructive changes process. Here’s how to do it:Step 1: Create Destructive Changes XML
Create a file nameddestructiveChanges.xml
with the following structure:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata"> <types> <members>ObjectName1__c</members> <members>ObjectName2__c</members> <name>CustomObject</name> </types> </Package>ReplaceObjectName1__c
with the API names of the objects you want to delete.Step 2: Create Empty Package XML
Create a file namedpackage.xml
with the following content:xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata"> <version>62.0</version> </Package>Step 3: Deploy Destructive Changes
Run the following Salesforce CLI command:bash sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d . -w -1 -u YourOrgAliasThis command deploys the destructive changes to your org:
-d .
specifies the current directory as the deployment source-w -1
waits for the deployment to finish-u YourOrgAlias
specifies the target org aliasAdditional Considerations
- Ensure you have the necessary permissions to delete objects in your org.
- Deleting objects will also delete all associated records and metadata (fields, validation rules, etc.).
- Some objects may have dependencies that prevent deletion. You might need to remove these dependencies first.
- Always test this process in a sandbox environment before applying it to production.
- Consider backing up your metadata and data before performing destructive changes.
If you need to delete other types of metadata (like Apex classes, Visualforce pages, etc.), you can include them in thedestructiveChanges.xml
file using the appropriate metadata type names.Remember, this process permanently deletes the specified objects and their data from your org, so use it with caution.
When I ran it, it worked perfectly, and output a warning that it would no longer work the next day (I did not preserve the message content, but I can tell you the date was 11/4/24 because UpNote metadata is useful). As I mentioned, I’m often in a hurry, so I often make mistakes, and what has kept me in technology since the original Wolfenstein was released is always making sure I have a way of undoing whatever I do. So I decided to go find the cool new sf CLI solution. Which was not terribly clear to me. I found the documentation a bit confusing. Going back to the old-fashioned Google search (trust me, it pains me more to write “old-fashioned Google search” than it does for you to read it), I found a Trailblazer Community post by Max Goldfarb that greatly clarified how to make the new sf call.
I have since refined the process clarified by Max once I read the documentation while in less than my usually rushed efforts. First, I keep that step 2 XML that Perplexity gave me stored in my repo as antiPackage.xml, the full path being manifest\destructiveArchive\antiPackage.xml. I could then generate the destructive xml with:
sf project generate manifest --source-dir force-app/main/default/[WHATEVER-I-WANT-TO-DESTROY] --type destroy
and then run my simplified killer command:
sf project deploy start --manifest manifest/destructiveArchive/antiPackage.xml --pre-destructive-changes manifest/destructiveArchive/destructiveChangesALL.xml -o [ALIAS]
and boom! stuff removed. I even keep a set of destructive xmls in a special folder (you may have noticed it in the command above). I continued to use this happily for a few weeks.
Today I was messing with a single component that was giving me problems (or, more accurately, I was giving it problems by building it incorrectly) and started by removing just it. Then I went about making my fixes and, feeling less hectic than usual, decided to have a package.xml just for it so the deployment would go faster (yes, I know I can do that with a right-click, but once I am comfortable with a CLI, I prefer it, and it lets me make sure that my eventual release script will have fewer issues). It was very small, which made the content leap out at me more, and, so I realized…There is no difference between the XML output with or without the “–type destroy” switch!
So now I just keep one XML for each context in manifest\deployArchive and reference it for both deploy and destroy.
Google had the “20% Time Project”, which was an initiative to encourage people to innovate unsupervised. According to a page in Wikipedia (found using Perplexity.ai, as most of my research these days), this resulted in things like AdSense and Google News. The Wikipedia entry and other research shows that it had its issues, too. Few people did any percent, and some called it the “120% Project” because the work happened beyond the regular work day.
Official or not, many companies have some type of program like this, and I’ve worked at a few where they were both formal and informal. The formal ones have some type of financial incentive to them, and the informal ones are generally a good way to accelerate career growth. There are many ways to measure the success of such programs. Increases in employee engagement; broadening of skills (which increases organizational capabilities); competitive edge as better (or even disruptive) innovations evolve; the attraction talented new employees; and things people haven’t even thought of yet because of the nature of the topic.
The innovations that pay off go through some stages that are similar to regular old projects. There is the discomfort stage, where something is identified as bothersome at some level and wouldn’t it be great if something were done about that. There is the ideation phase, where someone thinks that they have a way to make it less bothersome (or more cool, which is a legitimate bypass of the discomfort stage). There is the experimental stage where various things are tried to fix the problem or improve the solution (or sometimes both). Then there is the demonstration stage, where someone shows others (sometimes a someone from an earlier stage) what the experiments have yielded. The demonstration and experimental stages may iterate for a while, until either the commitment or abandonment stage occurs. Those last two are not only similar to regular old projects, they are the start of regular old projects.
One interesting thing about the stages of an innovation is that the “someone” at each stage may or may not be the same someone. There are solopreneurs where they are the someone from start to finish, or at least starting at the experimental stage. Which final stage comes in to play has lots of different influences. Some innovations are clearly awesome from the start, while others seem great in isolation but have impractical issues during or after the ideation stage. Others can be killed by skipping or re-ordering stages. As mentioned, some stage can be skipped because they may not be necessary (though I believe the discomfort stage always occurs and is just not always recognized as such). The biggest problem can occur in re-ordering the stages, especially moving that commitment stage anywhere earlier. It is usually helpful to set a time frame for the demonstration stages. Having an expectation around when the demonstration will be provides the urgency that is sometimes necessary to shift from motivation to action. Gathering estimates and milestones before that first demo is a good way to influence the lifecycle to ending in abandonment. It takes away the sense of ownership, playfulness, and excitement and turns it into a job too soon.
This problem has been observed in several psychological studies, none of which I had the foresight to take note of when I heard of them but Perplexity did manage to find a decent article on the “Overjustification Effect” , which is to say it isn’t just my opinion. One simplification of the phenomenon is that something that is interesting and motivating in and of itself becomes much less so when someone else tells you it is, or tells you how to be interested, or demands that you explain exactly how you are interested.
There is a related effect (which I am too lazy to find references to, but trust me, I’m not making it up) where someone that is instinctively talented at something is studied to determine how they do that thing they do through questioning and validating those unconscious processes, cease to be good at it. Usually it is temporary, but sometimes it is permanent.
All of which is to say that if you want your team to innovate, let them come up with what they will be innovative about, come to an agreement on a time frame where they can demonstrate progress, and then get out of their way. Trying to set detailed steps and milestones for innovation will greatly lower the odds of getting to a point where defining detailed steps and milestones will lead to an innovated solution.
These days, everyone is either trying AI (rare), considering AI (most common), tried it before they were ready (with mixed results) or just AI curious (which doesn’t necessarily preclude the other possibilities). Sooner or later, your organization is going to be in the trying category, and then you will be either in the group of folks that excelled with it or stumbled. One of the key factors that will determine that result is the quality of your data going in, and the integrity of your data moving forward.
Let’s take a little time now to consider the relationship between data quality, data integrity, and generative technologies, and then think about potential how to improve the odds of landing in the successful adopter side of the coming AI divide.
The current differentiation between AI and human intelligence lies in our capacity for fuzzy thinking and nuanced pattern recognition. Humans possess an innate ability to identify when information doesn’t fit a pattern or context, a skill that AI systems are still developing. While AI can process vast amounts of data at incredible speeds, it may struggle with contextual understanding and adaptability in novel situations.
This limitation in AI’s cognitive flexibility can lead to inefficiencies, particularly when dealing with complex, real-world scenarios. As AI systems attempt to process and make sense of imperfect or inconsistent data, they will consume more computational resources, leading to higher operational costs.
The inefficiencies in AI processing are already manifesting at a macro level. Major tech companies and AI research institutions are reporting significant increases in power consumption as they scale up their AI offerings and user base. These escalating costs will (eventually and inevitably) be passed on to consumers, likely in the form of changes to service billing structures. Consider the current use of paying per token where either the cost per token will go up or the number of tokens require to complete common operations, or both. Think of how coffee used to be sold in 1-lb bags and now we pay more per bag where the bag now holds 10 ounces. AI may become the first digital form of shrinkflation.
Recognizing these challenges, forward-thinking organizations are prioritizing data cleanup as an important first step on their AI adoption journey. However, it’s important to note that data integrity is not the result of a a one-time effort. It requires ongoing policies, procedures, processes to support what is likely the most import commodity any organization owns.
When data stores are initially created, they are typically clean and well-structured (don’t get me started on garbage test data, that is a separate article…coming soon!). The data becomes messy over time (how much time depends on many factors) simply through regular use (and sometimes irregular, but that is also beyond the scope of this post). When AI is added to that use, trained on that same use, it will get messier faster unless the processes that led to the mess are also addressed.
It may be tempting to consider this a training issue. Inadequate training can certainly lead to bad data, but good training may not be sufficient to correct the problem. This is because training is costly to create, costly to deliver, will need to be delivered again for every new team member, will likely need to be repeated periodically for all team members, and still may not always be remembered or followed.
The most reliable and cost-effective way to improve those processes is to automate those that can be automated. Automation may cost more to create than the training process, but then it is one-and-done until the process itself needs to change. The key to cost-effective automation is determining when it is still OK to kick an edge case out for a human to deal with it and have a good process for the human to be notified and the task tracked to completion.
Automation offers several advantages over traditional training methods:
Moving forward
Once the organization’s data has been cleaned up and processes put in place to maintain the integrity of that data, automated where possible, then the opportunity to get ahead of the competition through generative technologies is real for your organization. Like many adventures into new territory, there will be plenty of new challenges that will require urgent attention and decisive action. Preparing for what is known and predictable first will leave more resources for managing the unexpected.
And remember, most people heading into new territory seek the help of an experienced guide. Being new territory, it isn’t so important that the guide be experienced with the specific territory, but that they have experience of venturing into other new areas and have lived to tell about it.
Shout out to Jon Ewoniuk and his new podcast The 360 Salesforce Mastermind Podcast. This article was inspired by his first episode, where his guest spoke about niches (mine being a leadership in digital innovation and automation adoption) and the importance of good data to support generative technologies.