File Trash Recycle BingAI

Taking out the Salesforce Garbage

I don’t know why the process to permanently delete objects from Salesforce was hard for me to find today (was looking for a link to send to someone on Trailhead) but I did not find any succinct answer before my AADD kicked in, so here are the steps:

  1. Switch to Classic mode
  2. Go to Setup, then Custom Objects (search for Objects or scroll to Build > Create > Objects)
  3. At the bottom of the list there will be Deleted Objects (#) if there are any (sometimes referred to as the Recycle Bin, as I believe that was the pre-Lightning name of the section).
  4. From there you can permanently delete them before they go away on their own after 15 days.

Hope this helps someone!

© Scott S. Nelson

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