ClassNotFoundException for PageFlowContextListener

I was a bit surprised to run across this issue for the first time in a 10.3.0 installation.  According to a post on OTN, it is caused by the actual Beehive library not added correctly in config.xml. However, when I ran across it, it was a different library (the sample projects) that were missing, but the same error occurred.

Go figure.

© Scott S. Nelson

If the WLS 8.x Left Navigation Missing

This usually happens after an older JRE is installed or machines with an older version of IE. You need to check Internet Options – Advanced Java to see which version is installed.

This can happen frequently in shops that use older versions of Documentum WebPublisher, which requires an older JRE to work.

© Scott S. Nelson

How to Customize the Color Scheme for the BEA WebLogic Server 9.x Administration Console

Originally published at

At last year’s BEA World many portal developers were excited to hear that the WLS Administration Console is now portal-based. As developers, we all know that what excites us doesn’t always excite those who hold the purse strings, and customizing an application that is only used by IT generally falls pretty close to the bottom of the budget approval list. At least until there is a really good reason for it. So, my first foray into customizing the WLS Administration Console didn’t come about until 9.2, and was limited to changing color schemes.

A Business Case for Customizing the Console

For those of you looking for approval to customize your console, the driver for the project this article is based on came from a case where multiple BEA domains were running installed on the same physical machine. When the maintenance team would log in to the various consoles they would occasionally make an update to the wrong domain. Doh! For those who have done support, this comes as no big surprise. Many service activities are scheduled in off hours. Off hours are defined as when most users are off the applications and most IT folks are off their par because it is too late at night. The only visual cue as to which console you are logged into is some subtle text showing the user name and domain name.

The solution for this was to color-code the header in each Administration Console. While this sounds fairly straight-forward to the average portal developer, there are a few things that made it a bit of a challenge. First, the Administration Console application is compiled (as it should be), so cracking it open was a bad option as this could have upgrade implications. Second, even if one were to crack open the Administration Console portal (we’ve all made a similar call and regretted it at the next upgrade), the application under WEBLOGIC_HOME affects all domains rather than individual domains. Finally, the steps described at leave out a couple of minor pieces that are only obvious to portal developers. To make a long story short (which is only ever said when it is already too late) I came up with the following steps that worked for this effort.

(If you don’t already have a portal development environment, download the latest from

Steps to Changing the Header Colors

Create a new workspace for Eclipse for your customization project. For old-time Eclipse developers, this may sound odd. I thought it odd that the BEA best practice is a new workspace for each related group of projects and at first stuck to my old ways of one workspace for all projects. Then I made a change to the wrong project and stopped being so obstinate. Since there are similar types of projects from one group to the next, it is an easy mistake to make and thus the smart recommendation not to. Long story etc.

In your new workspace, create a new Java project named console-extension. While it doesn’t matter what you name your project, this name makes it easier to remember what it is for and to reference documentation related to console customization. Next, import [WEBLOGIC_HOME]samplesservermedrecconsole-extension into your new project. If you are unfamiliar with Eclipse imports, this is done with the File System option in the Import dialog. Once we have this tree in, we want to trim the branches that we don’t want to change by deleting the following:



All in workspaceconsole-extensionframeworkskinsxray EXCEPT the following:



All in workspaceconsole-extensionframeworkskinsxrayimages

All in workspaceconsole-extensionframeworkskinsxraycss

All in workspaceconsole-extensionframeworkskeletonsxray

All in workspaceconsole-extensionimages

Now we want to add some files for our use. First, create a file in  workspaceconsole-extensionframeworkskeletonsxray and add the following:  ., ../default

Then do the following imports (all files in the path for each):

[WEBLOGIC_HOME]serverlibconsoleappwebappframeworkskinsdefaultimages to /console-extension/framework/skeletons/xray/images

[WEBLOGIC_HOME]serverlibconsoleappwebappimages to /console-extension/images

[WEBLOGIC_HOME]serverlibconsoleappwebappframeworkskinsdefaultcss to workspaceconsole-extensionframeworkskinsxraycss

Next, open /console-extension/framework/skins/xray/ and delete the following (spread in groups through the file): plain/images, images alert/images, images wlsmodules/images, images wlstoolbar/images, images wlsbreadcrumbs/images, images wlschangemgmt/images, images wlsworkspace/images, images wlsnavtree/images, images wlsmessages/images, images wlsstatus/images, images wlsquicklinks/images, images

link.window-plain.href:       plain/css/window-plain.css

link.window-plain.rel:        stylesheet

link.window-plain.type:       text/css

link.window-alert.href:       alert/css/window-alert.css

link.window-alert.rel:        stylesheet

link.window-alert.type:       text/css

link.window-wlsmodules.href:       wlsmodules/css/window-wlsmodules.css

link.window-wlsmodules.rel:        stylesheet

link.window-wlsmodules.type:       text/css

link.window-wlstoolbar.href:       wlstoolbar/css/window-wlstoolbar.css

link.window-wlstoolbar.rel:        stylesheet

link.window-wlstoolbar.type:       text/css

link.window-wlsbreadcrumbs.href:       wlsbreadcrumbs/css/window-wlsbreadcrumbs.css

link.window-wlsbreadcrumbs.rel:        stylesheet

link.window-wlsbreadcrumbs.type:       text/css

link.window-wlschangemgmt.href:       wlschangemgmt/css/window-wlschangemgmt.css

link.window-wlschangemgmt.rel:        stylesheet

link.window-wlschangemgmt.type:       text/css

link.button-wlschangemgmt.href:       wlschangemgmt/css/button-wlschangemgmt.css

link.button-wlschangemgmt.rel:        stylesheet

link.button-wlschangemgmt.type:       text/css

link.window-wlsworkspace.href:      wlsworkspace/css/window-wlsworkspace.css

link.window-wlsworkspace.rel: stylesheet

link.window-wlsworkspace.type:      text/css  wlsworkspace/css/book-wlsworkspace.css   stylesheet  text/css

link.window-wlsnavtree.href:  wlsnavtree/css/window-wlsnavtree.css

link.window-wlsnavtree.rel:   stylesheet

link.window-wlsnavtree.type:  text/css

link.window-wlsmessages.href: wlsmessages/css/window-wlsmessages.css

link.window-wlsmessages.rel:  stylesheet

link.window-wlsmessages.type: text/css

link.window-wlsstatus.href:   wlsstatus/css/window-wlsstatus.css

link.window-wlsstatus.rel:    stylesheet

link.window-wlsstatus.type:   text/css

link.window-wlsquicklinks.href:     wlsquicklinks/css/window-wlsquicklinks.css

link.window-wlsquicklinks.rel:      stylesheet

link.window-wlsquicklinks.type:     text/css    skin.js   text/javascript    menu.js   text/javascript

script.util.src:    util.js

script.util.type:   text/javascript

script.delete.src:  delete.js

script.delete.type: text/javascript

script.float.src:   float.js

script.float.type:  text/javascript

script.menufx.src:  menufx.js

script.menufx.type: text/javascript

(note that if you want to customize any of the above UI elements for your own application leave the ones you need).

Open netuix-extension.xml and delete the following: default-window-icon=”window-icon.gif” and default-window-icon-path=”/console/images/”

To change our header appearance we need to change two files. First, open /console-extension/framework/skins/xray/css/body.css and change the value of background-color: for .bea-portal-body-header; Then, grab an image editor and change the color in /console-extension/framework/skins/xray/images/banner_bg.gif to the same value. For ascetics, you may wish to edit /console-extension/framework/skins/xray/images/banner_logo.gif as well.

Deploying Your Updates

Finally, save everything, then right-click on the console-extension project and select Export. Export as a JAR file to domain-dir/console-ext directory (or to a handy local location to later be uploaded to the domain-dir/console-ext directory). If you made any of your changes in the file system rather than in Eclipse, be sure to refresh your project before exporting or you will get errors.

The example below uses the color value of FFCC33 to replace the default:

While there may be some simpler paths to achieving this, this particular approach was the fastest solution that should have little or no impact to future upgrades within the 9.x WebLogic Server series. If most of these steps seem daunting, you can grab the workspace from here (PLEASE CREATE LINK TO and find the values you want to change.

Scott Nelson is a Professional Services Principal Portal Consultant by day and a blogger with a sense of humor by night. This article illustrates the former. To confirm the latter for yourself, visit

© Scott S. Nelson

Quieter Console for WLP 9.2.x Domains

In the server console window when starting WLP 9.2.x there is a lot of logging that is both useless and slows down the start of your unit tests when developing. Here is how to get rid of that:

Go into your WebLogic Administration Console.

Under Environment on the left hand side navigation there is a node called Work Managers. Click on that and add a new Work Manager for the name:


Be sure to check the target server on the Next screen after adding the name.

Note: This tip came from Dev2Dev, which is sadly no longer.

© Scott S. Nelson

Annotation Overrides in a Cluster

The original blog I referenced in my original blog (I recall someone  laughing at the term “Legacy Web Application” back in 2000) is sadly gone. So, for those who may run into the following error:

“javax.enterprise.deploy.model.exceptions.DDBeanCreateException: [J2EE Deployment SPI:260142]The descriptor at ‘META-INF/annotation-manifest.xml’ in module

Here is the closest reference still available to help you out:

© Scott S. Nelson